ACR Model

July 23, 2023

The problem faced by Frank, the social worker, is that he disagrees with his superior's decision to reverse the appeal on Sven, who was submitting fraudulent claims for welfare benefits. Frank disagrees with this choice and thinks his boss is promoting fraud. Although he thinks about leaving, he finds it impossible to do so because of his financial situation. He also thinks contacting his superior's employer, but he is worried that doing so could worsen the situation at work.


  1. Sven Larsen was involved in submitting fraudulent claims for welfare benefits.
  2. Frank decided to appeal to remove Sven's welfare benefits due to the fraud.
  3. The appeal was initially successful, but Sven appealed Frank's decision, and it was reversed.
  4. Frank spoke to his superior, who agreed that Frank was likely correct in his judgment. However, the superior expressed concerns about potential negative publicity for the office and the welfare program if they pursued the matter further.
  5. Frank is disappointed with his superior's decision and believes it condones fraud.

Important values:

  1. Lying to get what you want is morally bad.
  2. Frank made the right call in dismissing his appeal.
  3. If the scam is investigated, the office's reputation may suffer.
  4. Trying to hide fraud is unethical.
  5. The moral position Frank takes is the proper one.

Possible results:

  1. If Frank leaves, he might run into financial trouble while looking for work and might not be content staying.
  2. Frank's connection with his current superior may suffer if he raises the situation to that person's employer, which may force him to resign in any case. Doing nothing, however, can encourage others to abuse the welfare system.


The best course of action for Frank is to have an open and honest discussion with his superior. Since they seem to have a good working relationship, this approach is likely to be productive. During this conversation, Frank's superior can explain the reasons behind the decision and address Frank's concerns. If Frank can understand the reasoning behind the decision and accept that it was not an attempt to cover up fraud but rather a measure to protect the office and welfare program, he may choose to stay in his current job.

On the other hand, if Frank finds it difficult to accept the explanation and still feels strongly about the situation, he can start looking for another job while continuing to work at the office. This approach will allow him to avoid immediate financial problems while searching for a position that aligns more closely with his values.
Ultimately, the key is for Frank to weigh his options, communicate openly, and make a decision that aligns with his principles and long-term goals.

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