Belief in Santa Claus: A Childhood Journey from Magic to Reality

July 23, 2023

Think back to when you were a kid and believed in Santa Claus (and if you never believed in Santa Claus, just pretend, or ask someone who did for their experience), and answer the following questions in a few sentences. Your answers will be posted anonymously, so please be honest! 

Explain the "Santa Claus Worldview" you held as a child, in terms of which beliefs were the most important (the core beliefs), and perhaps include a few beliefs that were less important (peripheral beliefs) to your overall belief in Santa Claus. 

2. What were some things (the evidence) that supported the "Santa Claus Worldview" and "confirmed" your beliefs as true? 

3. What were some of things (the evidence) that challenged the "Santa Claus Worldview" and "disconfirmed" your beliefs as false?

Bonus Question: How might you explain the worldview that eventually replaced the "Santa Claus Worldview"? 

1. I believed in Santa Claus until fourth grade. My parents taught me about Santa, and some stories made him seem magical. Here are some about him:

(a) He delivered gifts on Christmas day.

(b) He also delivered gifts on New Year's (from our religion).

(c) He rode on a sled pulled by reindeer.

(d) He ate cookies left for him.

(e) He only delivered gifts to good kids.

(f) He was a jolly older man with a round stomach.

(g) If I write a list, I may get what I ask for.

2. I thought Santa was real because of stories from family, my imagination, and what I saw on TV. Seeing the cookies gone and the gifts under the tree confirmed my beliefs.

3. In fourth grade, a friend said Santa was fake, which upset me. So, I stayed up on Christmas day and saw my parents putting gifts under the tree, no sled, and no Santa. It was the moment I realized he wasn't real. 

Bonus Question. Later, I researched and learned Santa was inspired by St. Nicolas, who helped the poor and was like a real-life Robin Hood. Learning the truth changed my view of Santa, and I appreciated his real story of helping others.

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