Exploring Worldviews: A Kaleidoscope of Perspectives

July 23, 2023

What is another metaphor that you think can represent the idea of a worldview?

   We all have different ways of looking at the world, like our personal lenses. We come across these perspectives in many things around us, but we may not realize it. For instance, when someone writes a story or sings a song, they express their unique way of seeing things, their hopes, and their feelings.

   Even in things like TV shows and video games, there are hidden worldviews of the creators. As we grow up and enjoy these different media, we start to adopt some of these views into our own thinking. Sometimes we agree with them, and sometimes we don't.

   As a fan of anime, I noticed how certain characters in shows like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and others, might have traits like autism or ADHD. It's fascinating to see how these characters, who have their own worldviews, can impact our own way of looking at things.

   Worldviews are like different colors on a canvas. The main colors are the primary views we hold, and the additional shades and hues add depth and complexity to our understanding of the world.

   Different things we experience can shape our worldview and how we see the world around us. By collecting dissimilar experience through our life we make it unique.

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