From Alchemy to Chemistry: Exploring the Evolution of Scientific Thought

July 23, 2023

   Some people might find it unusual that Newton was so interested in alchemy, but alchemy was thought to be the predecessor of modern chemistry. Alchemists once searched after the mythical philosopher's stone in the hopes that it may, among other things, turn lead into gold or grant boundless youth. Despite suffering many obstacles, they continued because they had a successful outcome in mind.

   Today, the mysticism of alchemy has been replaced by current chemistry. To make medications and metals, chemical reactions are used. In addition, some ideas from alchemy still have an impact on modern science. Moreover, chemistry finds its origins in alchemy, an ancient tradition blending philosophy and science.

   Looking at old concepts like alchemy can inspire modern research. Similar to a scientific experiment, Newton's investigation of alchemy tested theories and procedures. It's critical to keep in mind that no science is perfect and that knowledge evolves with time. 

   Even today, scientists look for revolutionary solutions, like the philosopher's stone, to treat illnesses or prolong life. Modern science, on the other hand, takes a different approach, emphasizing practicality over mysticism.

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